Are You Paying Attention?

Posted by Felix Lecocq on Dec 20, 2023 12:07 PM

The debut of every new social media platform triggers a collective panic about our smartphones rotting our brains and destroying our attention spans.

In the “attention economy,” it can sometimes feel like we’re in a perpetual market crash.

I have friends who lament that they used to read books for hours and hours as children but now struggle to focus on a long-form article. Social media, in particular, is often compared to a casino, where users gamble away their hours, waiting for that lucky dopamine hit. I know I can spend a whole evening idling on my phone, only to look at the clock and wonder how the hours whirred by when I wasn’t paying attention.

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Getting Active in an Online Learning Environment

Posted by Skye Learning Team on Oct 18, 2023 11:57 AM

Imagine this scenario: You work in HR and are interested in learning how data analytics can be used to improve your hiring process.

So, you turn to the wealth of information available online. You devote several hours to reading articles, watching explanatory videos, and even listening to a podcast that explains data-driven recruitment.

And then, a few weeks later, you sit down with your team to discuss how you can improve your hiring strategy. It’s time to dazzle your colleagues with your newfound knowledge of HR analytics. But wait! What were all those metrics you read about? And how are they tracked and calculated? And where, exactly, does the data come from? Sadly, you realize that most of what you read and watched and listened to didn’t really stick.

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The Perfect Environment for Online Learning

Posted by Felix Lecocq on Apr 3, 2023 12:25 PM

With Wifi and 5G available almost everywhere we go, online learning is easier than ever.

We can take an online course in a coffee shop, watch an educational video on a crowded bus, and even complete a graded assessment from under the covers in bed. But does our physical environment make a difference to the way we learn? Are some locations more suitable for learning than others? Is there such a thing as a perfect environment for online learning?

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Leveling Up: Knowing When It’s Time to Challenge Yourself

Posted by Paul Terranova on Mar 29, 2023 1:12 PM

It’s a common question among learners: How does a 200-level course differ from a 100-level course?

The simple explanation is that 100-level courses are introductory and present basic concepts and terminology about a subject, while 200-level courses are for learners who are ready for an intermediate level of difficulty. At the 200 level, a learner should be able to proceed through the course with minimal comprehension difficulties while effectively demonstrating their application and analytical skills. Most 200-level courses require a solid understanding of basic subject-area knowledge, and they also provide learners with ample opportunity to test themselves.

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The Case for Pay Equity

Posted by Skye Learning Team on Feb 15, 2023 1:02 PM

Today’s tight job market has had a positive effect on workers’ pay: according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, average wages increased by 4.2% in 2021 and by 5.1% in 2022. Now, more than ever, people are aware of what their skills and time are worth, and they are not afraid to ask for what they consider to be fair compensation. If they feel disrespected or unappreciated in their current workplace due to salary differences, they will likely go elsewhere. That’s why it is so important for companies to be aware of the salary ranges and benefits offered by competitors and other businesses, to ensure external equity in the workplace.

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Risky Business

Posted by Joe Peters on Jan 11, 2023 1:29 PM

Cybersecurity insurance is becoming scarce, but there’s a lot you can do to secure your business

If your business is looking for cybersecurity insurance, you may want to read the fine print when it’s time to renew your policy.

As with so many things today, the trend is toward paying a lot more and receiving a lot less.

Cybersecurity insurance premiums have risen dramatically in recent years. At the same time, major underwriters are beginning to place limits on coverage. A major driver behind these trends is a surge in insurance payouts, particularly for ransomware attacks.

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The Time of the Season for Learning

Posted by Skye Learning Team on Dec 14, 2022 1:19 PM

Is there a particular season or climate that’s best for learning?

In a recent meeting with colleagues, we stumbled into a discussion about the relationship between winter weather and productivity. Someone suggested that a degree from a college in Maine might be worth more than one from a place like Hawaii or Florida; the implication was that harsh, cold winters are conducive to staying indoors for long hours of focused, sustained studying.

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Why Your Website Might Need a Redesign

Posted by Eileen Moynihan on Jul 22, 2022 10:23 AM

If your website hasn’t been updated in a while, it might be time for a redesign. Why? Because you always want your website to reflect your business values and create a good experience for your customers.

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Why soft skills are so important to develop in the workplace

Posted by Eileen Moynihan on Apr 14, 2022 2:15 PM

We all know hard skills are important to every job. Each position has different hard skills that employees need to have (e.g. technical, software, and hardware knowledge for an IT professional, spatial awareness, design, and carpentry skills for a contractor). But at the end of the day, what are the skills every employee needs to have? Soft skills. 

But, what are soft skills? They’re the skills you’d like to see in the people you work with, like good communication, flexibility, and adaptability.

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Are Industry Certificates Really Worth It?

Posted by Eileen Moynihan on Apr 1, 2022 12:22 PM

They certainly are! However, the worth of a certificate is determined by how you plan to advance your career with it. If you plan to spend money on a certificate to stay in the same role at the same salary, it might not be worth the expense.

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