AI and the Future of Project Management

Posted by Dan Picard on Jan 17, 2024 12:17 PM

Proponents of artificial intelligence claim that it will revolutionize the field of project management, and recent statistics from the web seem to support this claim. One site says that AI is already being used in more than 20% of projects, with its importance expected to grow exponentially in the next few years. Another suggests that more than 80% of project tasks will be eliminated as organizations incorporate AI into their operations.

So what does all this mean for project leaders? What role will they play in leading projects? How will their responsibilities be affected? And what does AI use mean for inexperienced project leaders who are looking to gain a foothold in the profession?

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Are You Paying Attention?

Posted by Felix Lecocq on Dec 20, 2023 12:07 PM

The debut of every new social media platform triggers a collective panic about our smartphones rotting our brains and destroying our attention spans.

In the “attention economy,” it can sometimes feel like we’re in a perpetual market crash.

I have friends who lament that they used to read books for hours and hours as children but now struggle to focus on a long-form article. Social media, in particular, is often compared to a casino, where users gamble away their hours, waiting for that lucky dopamine hit. I know I can spend a whole evening idling on my phone, only to look at the clock and wonder how the hours whirred by when I wasn’t paying attention.

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Getting Active in an Online Learning Environment

Posted by Skye Learning Team on Oct 18, 2023 11:57 AM

Imagine this scenario: You work in HR and are interested in learning how data analytics can be used to improve your hiring process.

So, you turn to the wealth of information available online. You devote several hours to reading articles, watching explanatory videos, and even listening to a podcast that explains data-driven recruitment.

And then, a few weeks later, you sit down with your team to discuss how you can improve your hiring strategy. It’s time to dazzle your colleagues with your newfound knowledge of HR analytics. But wait! What were all those metrics you read about? And how are they tracked and calculated? And where, exactly, does the data come from? Sadly, you realize that most of what you read and watched and listened to didn’t really stick.

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Say Goodbye to “Soft Skills”

Posted by Skye Learning Team on Sep 20, 2023 11:44 AM

Soft skills aren’t soft anymore.

Since 2019, HR thinkers have been rebranding “soft skills”—human-centric skills, such as communication, teamwork, and leadership—as “power skills.” Why the change?

The term “soft skills” was coined by the U.S. Army in the late 1960s. The Army applied the term to important skills that do not require the use of machinery; by contrast, skills that do involve machinery have since that time been known as “hard skills.” But that basic distinction is now giving way to a more nuanced view.

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugl-AI

Posted by Maria Carolan on Jun 7, 2023 12:00 PM

This year, Valentine’s Day hit different.

As roses flew out of convenience stores and couples tucked into candlelit meals, one journalist experienced something extraordinary. On the evening of February 14th, New York Times reporter Kevin Roose found himself wiling away the hours, not with his beloved, but at his keyboard, exchanging passionate missives with the Bing chatbot, Sydney.

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Pay for Success: A New Model for Nonprofits?

Posted by Frank Connolly on May 24, 2023 12:00 PM

An innovative way to fund social-service programs is slowly catching on in the United States—and it has the potential to transform the way larger nonprofits and mission-driven companies go about their business.

Pay for Success (PFS) is a funding model that relies on public-private partnerships to provide services that have traditionally been provided by the government. The idea originated in Great Britain in the early 2010s and gradually made its way across the Atlantic to the U.S., where it is now being employed in the social-service, healthcare, criminal-justice, and housing sectors.

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The Message Triangle: A Guide to Public Speaking

Posted by Jess Gromada on May 10, 2023 12:00 PM

You’ve spent weeks preparing for your presentation, and the day’s finally here.

You’re running on two hours of sleep and three cups of coffee. As you look out into the audience, you notice all eyes are on you. Suddenly, your hands start shaking, your mouth goes dry, and you forget everything you’ve prepared.

Have you experienced a situation like this? Maybe you didn’t forget everything, but the stress leading up to the big presentation took a toll on your confidence and your mental health. Sometimes, the preparation can be even more daunting than the presentation itself.

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Turning to the Movies to Guide Us Through AI

Posted by Joe Peters on Apr 19, 2023 12:00 PM

Alarm bells have sounded recently over the rise of artificial intelligence.

In particular, ChatGPT’s ability to mimic human speech and writing has caused academics and politicians alike to call for caution, if not an outright ban.

But what, exactly, is the problem? Let’s pull back for some perspective: Technology can be defined by its ability to have a positive impact on the speed, scale, or human element of a process. Simply put, it allows us to do something faster, over a wider area, or with less need for people.

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The Perfect Environment for Online Learning

Posted by Felix Lecocq on Apr 3, 2023 12:25 PM

With Wifi and 5G available almost everywhere we go, online learning is easier than ever.

We can take an online course in a coffee shop, watch an educational video on a crowded bus, and even complete a graded assessment from under the covers in bed. But does our physical environment make a difference to the way we learn? Are some locations more suitable for learning than others? Is there such a thing as a perfect environment for online learning?

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Leveling Up: Knowing When It’s Time to Challenge Yourself

Posted by Paul Terranova on Mar 29, 2023 1:12 PM

It’s a common question among learners: How does a 200-level course differ from a 100-level course?

The simple explanation is that 100-level courses are introductory and present basic concepts and terminology about a subject, while 200-level courses are for learners who are ready for an intermediate level of difficulty. At the 200 level, a learner should be able to proceed through the course with minimal comprehension difficulties while effectively demonstrating their application and analytical skills. Most 200-level courses require a solid understanding of basic subject-area knowledge, and they also provide learners with ample opportunity to test themselves.

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