Skye Learning Blog

8 Keys to Managing People

Written by Christine Vogt | Jun 17, 2020 3:34 PM

Your employees will look to management for guidance on how they are expected to accomplish given goals. You will be called upon to decide the order or priority of tasks, the individuals responsible for completing them, the manner in which they are to be performed, and the tools that will be used to measure progress.

Managers must consider a number of factors when setting schedules and assigning work tasks, including the skill levels and experience of workers and how well a given set of employees work together. Flexibility is key when dealing with unanticipated scheduling problems.

Delegation is also part of organizing work for others. Managers must decide how much of a task they can delegate to others and how much they should perform themselves.

Check out our latest infographic for eight keys to managing your employees.


Skye Learning Certificate in Small Business Management